8. GaiaWorld.fund

gaiaworld.fund: Exclusive Access through Staking

At the heart of the GAIA EverWorld ecosystem lies gaiaworld.fund, a launchpad designed to elevate the most promising projects in gaming, the Metaverse, and AI. This platform is not just a springboard for innovative ideas; it's a gateway for investors to partake in handpicked, thoroughly vetted opportunities that have the potential to reshape the digital landscape.

Staking Requirements for IDO Participation

To participate in Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) through gaiaworld.fund, there's a prerequisite for investors to stake a specified amount of tokens within the GAIA EverWorld ecosystem. This can be done by direct staking, as detailed in the rewards section on gaiaworld.com. By meeting this staking requirement, investors gain privileged access to IDOs, ensuring they are part of a curated investment journey.

Benefits for Stakers

Stakers enjoy preferential treatment, gaining the opportunity to invest in IDOs featuring projects that have undergone rigorous scrutiny. This vetting process is a collaborative effort between our investors, venture capitalists, and partners from other launchpads, ensuring that only the most viable and promising projects are presented to our community.

The primary goal of gaiaworld.fund is to align the interests of our GAIA stakers with those of the broader investment community. By staking, community members not only support the stability and growth of the GAIA EverWorld ecosystem but also become stakeholders in its future success.

More Information

For further details on the staking requirements, upcoming IDOs, and the broader vision of gaiaworld.fund, please visit gaiaworld.fund. Here, you can explore how gaiaworld.fund is setting a new standard for launchpad experiences, offering transparency, exclusivity, and a commitment to excellence.

Last updated