- Breeding

Breeding and Survival Instincts in Gaia EverWorld

In Gaia EverWorld, just as in nature, creatures possess a strong survival instinct, coupled with the inherent need to reproduce. While some Gaia are more fertile, capable of producing a larger number of offspring, their reproductive capacity is naturally regulated to prevent hyperinflation within the game. To maintain economic balance, a 'super fertile' Gaia's reproduction is capped at ten times. However, this limit might be reduced for some Gaia based on the game's growth and other economic factors. Additionally, players have the option to retire their Gaia in exchange for in-game resources.

Breeding Mechanism

Breeding in Gaia EverWorld is the process of creating new Gaia by combining the genetic traits of the parents. Repeated breeding of the same Gaia increases the cost in $GAIA tokens and Gaia Gold ($GG). Generally, offspring born later in the breeding count are likely to be more skilled and of higher quality. Furthermore, the higher the level of the parent Gaia, the greater the breeding potential of their offspring.

The cost of breeding in $Gaia is subject to change based on the current economic climate of the Everworld ecosystem and will be algorithmically determined at the time of breeding.

Inherited Skills

The level achieved by a Gaia dictates the maximum number of skills it can learn, some of which are inheritable. During breeding, skills of a higher tier, such as legendary skills, are more likely to be passed down than those of amateur status. Legendary skills are typically inherited from the dominant Gaia parent, while master and amateur skills may be passed on from the passive parent. This genetic diversity means that newborn mixed-breed Gaia may possess a combination of abilities from both parental regions.

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