An Overview of the Gaia.

What are Gaia?

Gaia are the mythical warring creatures of Gaia EverWorld, skilled fighters with unique specialties tied to their regions of origin. These inhabitants of the mysterious Everworld have largely welcomed the people exiled by Emperor Argrath, with some Gaia even choosing these exiles as leaders in their ongoing wars. Across the Everworld, great empires of Gaia, numbering in the thousands, frequently engage in battles along their territorial borders.

GAIA – NFT Character ERC721

Each Gaia in GAIA EverWorld is represented as a unique ERC721 token, offering diverse utility and rarity within the game. Every Gaia possesses distinct abilities and personalities, making them versatile for use in battle, trading, breeding, and selling. When united in significant numbers, these Gaia form formidable legions, capable of conquering all the regions of the EverWorld. Players have the opportunity to collect and train a wide array of Gaia, aspiring to shape them into the most renowned legionnaires of the Everworld.

What are their Skills?

Gaia exhibit a vast range of skills, from warriors of darkness emerging from the abyss, capable of draining the life force of their foes, to voltaic beasts commanding electricity, lighting up the skies and launching devastating thunderbolts at their enemies. The battle prowess of each Gaia depends on their grade, the region they hail from, and the training they have undergone. As Gaia advance through their grades, they acquire new skills and abilities, which they can then impart to their offspring.

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